Committee Member
Tom brings a wealth of experience to the Vita Nova Board with a proven track record of success in strategic planning, financial oversight, and project management. Tom’s formal education includes a degree in Sociology from the University of Charleston, WV and business course work at Rider and Widener Universities.
Corporate leadership roles at Exelon and Pfizer included HR expertise in recruitment, training, and occupational health & safety. He served in management positions in healthcare services and operations, emphasizing business process improvement. He was privileged to receive extensive corporate training in system & computer technology, as well as management development. More recently, Tom provided management consulting at
JPMorgan Chase, focusing on leading edge healthcare and innovation for Global Benefits and Employee Services.
His project management experiences continued beyond corporate work. Tom co-founded a custom home building LLC, requiring a hands-on understanding of project execution and completion. He also led a three-year project as Board president of a large condo homeowners association. This assignment involved planning, funding, and installing; Living Shoreline; green infrastructure, which protects and stabilizes shoreline with natural materials (plants, sand, and rock). This single effort was the recipient of a major Chesapeake Bay Foundation and environmental agency grant. These experiences showcase Tom’s ability to coordinate and implement large-scale projects to achieve desired outcomes.
Tom’s faith is the cornerstone of his dedication to family and service. He is blessed with three children and two grandchildren. Driven by strong values and a successful background in business and projects, he brings valuable guidance, wisdom, and integrity to our school board.